Monday, April 28, 2008

Stabilized Topsoil Pile on Lot 25

Hydro Seed and Neting, Permanent Stabilization Behind Lots 21 through 24

Fill on Lot 25, Necessary for Construction in Process

Permanently Stabilized Retention Pond with Silt Fence (part II)...

...and super silt fence baffle walls.

Permanently Stabilized Retention Pond with Silt Fence...

...and Super Silt Fence Baffle Walls.

Permanently Hydro-seeded Lots 21 through 24...

...lots to settle in 1 month.

Regular Silt Fence Behind Lots 23, 24, and 25...

...includes stabilization (lot under construction).

Undisturbed Area - Next Phase, Lots 4 Through 9

Stabilization Across from Lots 20 through 25

Stabilize Topsoil Pile with Silt Fence, Lot 31

Super Silt Fence Transitioning to Regular Silt Fence

Super Silt Fence Transition to Regular Silt Fence...

...and stabilized utility easement area (pipe recently installed).

Silt Fence and Stabilized Topsoil Pile Behind Lots 10 and 11 (under construction)

Lots 10 and 11 Under Construction

Super Silt Fence from Behind Construction, Little Lehigh Side

Super Silt Fence Behind Lots 16 through 10 (part II)

Super Silt Fence Behind Lots 16 through 10

Construction of Rock Wall Behind Lots Under Construction to Stabilize Bank (part II)...

...not required but done to ensure better erosion control.

Construction of Rock Wall Behind Lots Under Construction to Stabilize Bank...

...not required but done to ensure better erosion control.